On Thursday, May 30, Pack 21 and Troop 21 continued their annual tradition of doing a spring cleanup service project at St. Mary's original cemetery. They planted marigolds, cleared away picker bushes and wild vines, and mowed the tall bamboo-like grass on the edges of the cemetery. Scouts Jake, Josh, Matt, Ralph, Mario, Matt, Adam, Adam, Steven, Bobby, Patrick, John, Domnic, Josh, Tyler, and Tim worked on the project. Troop leaders Frank Klassner, Jack Evanik, Drew Yurkanin, Steve Klassner, Bob Kokinda, Bob Buchinski, and Ken Srebro took part in the cleanup, as did Pack leaders Jeff Allan, Melody Kutch, Michelle Allan, and Cherie Zarnowski. The pack adopted the grave of Jadwiga Rochon, a little girl who died at the age of 5 in 1928.