2010 Memorial Day Weekend Events
During the 2010 Memorial Day weekend Troop 21 had a plateful of activities. At 9:00 AM Saturday, May 29th, troop members helped
the local veterans place new American flags on veterans' graves in St. Mary's Parish cemetery, then at 10:30 that same day the troop
worked to clean up and prepare the VFW park in Dickson City for summer fun for the neighborhood. On Monday, May 31, the troop
marched in the Dickson City Memorial Day Parade. Saturday's youth participants included Tony, Julian, Steve, Joey, Adam, Patrick, Tyler, Gino,
Dominick, Rico, Tim, and Adam. Adult participants included John Maza, Len Kalinowski, Drew Yurkanin, Ken Srebro, Dominick Rocco, and Frank Klassner, Jr.
Parade participants included Joey, Rico, Bruce, Phil, Julian, Gino, Adam, Tyler, Adam, Dominick, John Maza, and Jack Evanik.